Video: Man attempts to smoke 100 cigarettes together
India Today Online
New Delhi, March 6, 2014 | UPDATED 15:48 IST
Smoking 100 cigarettes together is perhaps one of the worst ideas that has ever struck a smoker. And it has. Meet Wyatt Burns. He attempted to smoke 100 of those cancer sticks in one go. Initially it was all hunky dory but then the smoke took over and well, it didn't quite end in a success.
How to smoke 100 cigarettes in one go. Step 1: Cover yourself with a plastic hood and a helmet and light a blowotorch.
Step 2: Light the 100 cigarettes.
Burns (quite apt a name for a person conducting an experiment like this, no?) first covered himself with a plastic overall and then proceeded to light the cigarettes with a blowtorch.
The smoke immediately began filtering through to his plastic hood.
Step 3: Inhale... cough... cough... cough...cough...cough...
Untitled (100 Cigarettes) from Wyatt Burns on Vimeo.