Rahul Gandhi recently went to Bengaluru
and he had an interactive session with students. He was speaking with
the students of Mount Carmel College in Bengaluru. But the response was
so poor.
He was addressing some 2000
students and the situation was not as he expected. This is what
happened. He was asking questions and he got some backfire answeres. The
conversation is given below,
"Do you think Swachh Bharat is working?"
"Ok. I don't think it's working"
"Do you think Make in India is working?"
"Then do you think more jobs are being created?"
"NO (Majority)"
conversation went viral in WhatsApp and social media. The viedos are
being circulated as Rahul never expected such a response. The response
has shocked Rahul and he tried to change the topic. However he was not
forced to change the topic. Students kept on buzzing and Rahul spoke
about other topic. He understood the situation and did it. But young
women from the camoys started to move within an hour. The issue went
viral and lots of hashtags were made on Rahul Gandhi.