Bihar results shock PM Modi?

Bihar results shock PM Modi?

Results of Bihar assembly elections which political analysts across the country believe will have huge impact on national politics started pouring in since morning 8 AM. 

What many predicted exit polls predicted as a close fight between Nitish Kumar,Laloo Prasad Yadav's JDU, RJD Mahaghatbandhan and PM Modi, Amit Shah led BJP in the state turned out to be a show of strength for Nitish and Laloo much to the shock of team Modi. 

It started off on a fascinating note with BJP taking early lead and many at the start of the first hour felt BJP will be in for a thumping majority. However RJD-JDU combine made a stunning comeback not only wiping the 30 seat lead of BJP and is now sitting pretty leading in 145 seats while BJP restricted to 90 seats. 

This was in stark contrast to 2014 Lok Sabha elections when Modi wave swept across the country and BJP won majority MP seats. At that time it led in more than 170 assembly constituencies.  
There are the latest leads in Bihar. JD U + 163, BJP + 71
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