India for long has been affected by the double standards of the world nations when affected by terror attacks. For long Congress led UPA government watched helplessly as world restrained it from taking any action against Pakistan harboured terrorists responsible for the dreaded 26/11 Mumbai attacks. 

Many expected change of guard at centre with more powerful and assertive PM Modi would change world leaders perception visa vis India and terror attacks against it. Modi in the right earnest has been visiting various nations and his pitching hard to change the world view on terrorism at various international forum.

After the shocking terror strike in Paris which killed more than 150 in France, many expected world to change its perception and the way it views terrorism. Modi too sent clear message to define and unite against terrorism. He even stressed on the need to stifle the funds flow into terrorists account by blocking bank accounts. 

But in a shocker even before all this, France went on to attack ISIS targets. Even world too adopted selective approach by condemning the terror strikes in Paris but conveniently ignoring terror strikes in Beirut, Lebanon. Many say this differentiation will affect war against terror.