World's shocker on PM Modi?

World's shocker on PM Modi?

Narendra Modi right after taking over as the Prime Minister of India took entire world by storm with his aggressive approach. He got rockstar like welcome in many countries and neighbouring nations started feeling the pressures of new and aggressive India trying to make a mark on world politics. 

Modi with in 18 months of him coming to power almost completed visiting many countries and some of them included nations which were ignored by successive Indian governments for many decades. World leaders were charmed by Modi's musings but now suddenly World predicts end of PM Modi's honeymoon. 

This may come as surprise as Modi was recently named as the 9th most powerful person in the world in Forbes latest list. But with the shock defeat of BJP led by Modi in the recent Bihar elections many saw Modi's popularity waning slowly and steadily.

Pakistan's Dawn, The Daily Times,Siasat Daily took dig at Modi's government. Not to be left behind is BBC and The Telegraph who termed the end of Modi's honeymoon after Delhi and Bihar debacle. The Guardian, The Wasington Post, The LA Times,The New York Times and The Wall Stree Journal all took note of the crushing defeat of PM Modi.
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