How Kalam overcame obstacles to fire Agni?

How Kalam overcame obstacles to fire Agni?
Abdul Kalam, former President of India even after his demise his loved by one and all for his thought provoking and inspiring quotes and also for his sheer determination as a scientist who turned India into super power despite sanctions from across the world.

Kalam himself revealed in a book on how he fired Agni despite the obstacles. Just before the Agni launch in 1989, he received a hotline phone call from top official and he was none other than TN.Seshan the then cabinet secretary of PM Rajiv Gandhi.

Kalam in his book mentioned that he was asked "Where are we on Agni?" at 3 AM.  In the book it was mentioned "Then without waiting for me to answer, he said, 'We are under tremendous pressure by the US and NATO to delay any impending missile test. There are strong diplomatic channels at work.' Then almost immediately he followed again with the first question, 'Kalam! Where are we on Agni?'"

Kalam weighing all consequences finally informed that they cannot goback at that stage and ensured Agni launch. Kalam in the book mentioned "It was a flawless test of hope and aspirations of a bunch of young scientists who could not be deterred by any force on this planet. We had made history. The next day, there was a storm in Chandipur which partially destroyed our testing facility. But we all knew that we had already won the race for Agni,"
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