Seemandhra people proud to be settlers? & Telangana politicians and government is not against people

Seemandhra people proud to be settlers?
During Telangana movement, those who are supporting formation of Telangana statehood attacked seemandhra people accusing them of robbing them off their jobs and natural resources. They branded them as settlers and started attacking their properties.

When questioned they said they are not against seemandhra people who came to make their livelihood but only against seemandhra business people and politicians who were robbing them for six decades. However even after the formation of Telangana, politicians started referring seemandhra people as settlers.

Everyone knows that it is against the constitution of India as states shouldn't discriminate against anyone. With politicians branding seemandhra people as settlers, some seemandhra people formed associations and forums to fight for their rights. This rise suspicion whether seemandhra people are proud to be settlers.

Telangana politicians and government is not against people

            Seemandhra people proud to be settlers?
When Telangana politicians and government is not differentiating against people from other states, why should seemandhra people tolerate this discrimination. When people of other states maintained their identity by forming tamil forums, marathi forums, Rajasthani forums and associations, why should seemandhra people lose their identity and get branded as settlers.

Settler is the most insulting word used by infiltrators and rulers of Jammu and Kashmir where Hindus are branded as settlers. Even in Palestine-Israel conflict, Palestines are branded as settlers. Seemandhra people should see through the nefarious designs of Telangana rulers and politicians and oppose these moves and not lose their identity and be settled getting insulted branded as settlers.
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