Andhra Pradesh Government is planning
to extend the period of Maternity leave. According to act 5 of section 3
1961, a pregnant woman is eligible to take leave for a span of 12 weeks
and the leave can be sectioned before 6 weeks and the leave can be
extended six weeks after the delivery.
Babu Naidu is discussing with members in secretariat regarding this
leave. Already Labour Minister Bandaru Dattareya wrote a letter to Lok
Sabha stating that the government is extending the leave by 12 more
But sources say that the latest
cabinet meet has discussed over a 14 week extension. But if it is a 14
week extension, then that means 26 weeks of maternity leave which is
close to six and a half months 'Paid Leave' period.
if this is amended, then it would be a boon to the working woman. But
private companies provide much lesser leave than the Government
companies. So the Government must ensure that the leave will be provided
to all companies.