India is in 131st spot in Information Technology Access

India is in 131st spot in Information Technology Access
India is in 131st rank out of 167 nations in Global Index of Information Technology Access. The global index measures the level  of information and communication technology access. This report is shocking because these days most number of households are with Internet and a PC. 

The number of computers and laptops has increased in the nation for past five years. But, As per the Information Society Report by the UN International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 3.2 billion people across the globe are online out of the 43.3% of population.

Mobile subscriptions alone have reached 7 billion. More than 90% of global population is now covered with cellular signal. This report also said that the 167 economies included in the ITU's information and communication technology (ICT) Development Index (IDI) improved their IDI values. 

Now India is in 131st rank and this is a downhill. India is in 125th spot as per the IDI rank in 2010. The report also said Asia-Pacific is having the best development and this has reflected in the economic development.
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