London couple comes to Hyderabad for 'Eye' treatment

London couple comes to Hyderabad for 'Eye' treatment
Social media these days is both boon and bane. In the recently ended floods in Chennai, Social media became the vital tool for help and relief measures. People used to ask help and relief measures through social media and they get immediate attention.

Now a London couple, Cilian Nemas (58) and Robert Nemas (65) came to Hyderabad to undergo eye surgery in a specialty clinic. The couple where in midst of a holiday trip to Goa. The couple who don't know much about the quality used internet to find the hospital's address.

A small surgery happened for them. It is known as optic wave refractive analysis laser cataract surgery. This surgery enables the person to get rid of glasses. After the surgery Robert Nemas said, "We used Social media platform to find the right hospital in Hyderabad.

It shown the perfect directions too." Robert Nemas is a former dental technician with Royal Army Dental College, UK. He also said the same procedure would have costed more in UK and he said they have saved £4000 by coming to India.
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