Security in India full of loopholes?

Security in India full of loopholes?

In any country across the world, not only lives of humans but also other animals are given utmost priority. Governments and various officials take due care in protecting them from various threats.

Only in India,governments and administration donnot care for their lives. Many say growing population is one reason but this cannot be genuine as China which is equally populated do value its peoples lives.

Forget about securing the lives of people against terror strikes and war, successive governments in various states failed to provide basic security to not only common people but also to celebrities.

Many train,bus and other road accidents happen but government washes off its hands. Fire accidents occur,buildings collapse, floods drown cities etc but authorities are not concerned.

They are only hellbent on making money through corruption. They legalise illegal constructions, permit poor conditioned vehicles,allow encroachment of rivers,deforestation and flout all norms at the expense of people. Unless until this changes no one can prevent loss of lives.
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