Shocker-Kasab still alive!

Shocker-Kasab still alive!
People of India and especially Mumbai can never forget 26/11 attack when terrorists sneaked into India and mercilessly butchered hundreds of people. While India bleaded, Pakistan shed crocodile tears.Angry India was reigned in by the so called western powers led by USAwhich promised to bend Pakistan and force it to take tough actionagainst 26/11 plotters and handover Lashkar E Toiba chief ZakiurRehman lakhvi.

Till now nothing happened and even after India hanged the solo terrorist Ajmal Kasab some time back in 2012, Pakistan's investigation didnot proceed ahead.Now in a shocker witness turned hostile and claimed that kasab was still alive and even promised to produce him in court.

A court official informed “Mudassir Lakhvi, the headmaster of aprimary school in Faridkot, where Ajmal Kasab studied for three years told the court that he taught Kasab and he is alive,”

Official added “The headmaster caused a lot of embarrassment for the prosecution team by claiming that Ajmal Kasab is alive. He was supposed to present the record of the period during which Ajmal Kasab studied in the school and other relevant record but talked otherwise."

The prosecution also failed to properly examine him,”Many believe LET pressure forced the witness to turn hostile as theheadmaster hails from the native town of Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi.
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