Will Congress survive in Arunachal Pradesh ?

Will Congress survive in Arunachal Pradesh ?

The Congress has gone into a saving mode. It is trying to save its government in Arunachal Pradesh. The battle for survival begins following a renewed bid by dissident leader and former finance minister Kalikho Pul to knock over Chief minister Nabam Tuki. 

Right now we hear from sources within the party that Kalikho Pul has roped in 22 Congress legislators and they need six more to be identified as a break group in the State assembly. BJP already has 11 MLA's and that will easily take him past the halfway mark of 30 among the 60 member house. 

Right now Pul is making efforts to console six Congress MLA's to avoid disqualification on the ground of defection. If not they will ont be recognized as separate group in the assembly. 

An inside member said, "The Government is going to collapse any time. Our only target is to prevent other party MLA's from joining the group.  We have told them that all their grievances will be addressed." We need to wait few more days to know the fate of Congress.
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