18 Year old teenager gang raped in New York

18 Year old teenager gang raped in New York
Rape is one of the heinous crimes made. When India was often blamed as the worst nation for such crimes, now a gang rape has shocked New York City. An 18 year old woman at Brownsville neighborhood was forcibly gang raped by four teenagers. All of them were arrested based on first degree rape charges.

Recently the fifth suspect was also arrested. Now a smartphone video has been released and the video shows a verbal encounter between the woman and the teenagers who raped her. Police Commissioner William J. Bratton said the Police department should have been notified earlier.

If the verbal attack was notified, this mishap would not have occurred. Now in a shocking note, during investigation, one of the witness said, the woman was having sex with her father and the teenagers encountered them at Osborn Playground.

Regarding this authorities said, "Whatever it might be, now she is victim of a pretty horrific attack. What appeared to have happened is that the father may have put her in that compromised position. We are conducting inquiries on all angles."
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