Top 5 Social Media Controversies in 2015

Top 5 Social Media Controversies in 2015
2015 has been a buzzy year in Social Networks, with more people getting socially active in this social platform. Not surprisingly, the social media is prone to plump up controversies, giving an immense reach-out to a wider audience. Nevertheless, the social media has proven to serve for good as well. Here we have the top 5 moments of social media that struck the chord this year, storming controversially or positively. 

1. PIB India  - Photoshop Images Bureau

The Press Information Bureau (PIB) of Indian government was criticized in the social media for their inappropriate posting of photoshop-altered images of Modi. Union government’s official division of public relations made their twitter handle a mocking platform because of the controversial image. The picture of Modi surveying Chennai floods got spreading abruptly all over the social networks with comments. 

2. Intolerance and the Khans 

The intolerance debate rocked the social media for more than few months in this year. To fuel the argument, the comments of Bollywood stars, Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan made it to the headlines. Being criticized and trolled for their remarks, the two stars became the hot-debate of the year. Twitter and other social networks were buzzing for close to few weeks in a row. 

3. Fake pictures of Indian Army’s Myanmar operation

In June, a raid in Myanmar was conducted by Indian Army striking a couple of insurgent camps. Soon after the operation, a series of army militant photos started surfacing the social networks. However, the defense ministry soon came forward clearing the air, saying they haven’t released any photos of the particular operations so far. Within that, the previous pics did a good rounds all-over the social media. 

4. Awardwapsi 

Awardwapsi was a campaign fueled by the raging intolerance effect. 2015 was the year of Awardwapsi that led many filmmakers, authors, and other prominent faces to return their awards as a protest. Social networks were filled with commentator for and against the campaign. Chetan Bhagat was one particular personality who got a lot of flak on the social networks for his comments on Awardwapsi. 

5. Chennai Floods Hashtag 

The #chennaifloods campaign turned the social media to a positive medium this year. The unprecedented rains that shook the city left thousands of people helpless. The innocuously started campaign on social networks picked up in the stream, circulating ahead bridging the needs with volunteers. The campaign of tweets spread out into a movement that reached support on-ground. The aftermath of Chennai Floods got the social media raging with stickers issue and government mishandling of the situation. 
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