10 December 2015 Current Affairs

India, Pakistan announced 10-point Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue
India and Pakistan have agreed to resume structured dialogue between them through new 10-point Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue (CBD). The 10-point CBD replaces earlier 8-point Composite Dialogue Process (CDP) structured dialogue which was also known as Resumed Dialogue. 10-point Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue (CBD) includes Peace and security, confidence building measures (CBMs), Jammu and Kashmir, Siachen, Sir Creek Boundary Dispute, Wullar Barrage/Tulbul Navigation Project, Economic and Commercial cooperation, Counter-terrorism, Narcotics control, People-to-people exchanges, Humanitarian issues, Religious tourism.

World’s first dengue vaccine, Dengvaxia, approved for use in Mexico
The Mexican authorities on 9 December 2015 approved the use of the first-ever vaccine against dengue fever, ” Dengvaxia” which will be publicly available for the first time. The Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS) approved Dengvaxia for the prevention of disease caused by all four dengue virus serotypes in preadolescents, adolescents and adults, 9 to 45 years of age living in endemicareas. According to a World Health Organization (WHO) report published in late 2014, the vaccine had an average rate of effectiveness of about 60.8 percent in protecting against the four strains of dengue now circulating.

NGT bans plastic along the stretch of Ganga
National Green Tribunal (NGT) put a complete ban on procurement, storage and use of plastics along the stretch of Ganga from Uttarakhand’s Gomukh to Haridwar. The ban would be in force from February 2016. The government had allocated Rs. 20,000 crores for its Clean Ganga Mission over five years. The ban means restriction on use of plastic bottles, including beverage bottles and plastic wrappings.

Myanmar inaugurated Yangon Stock Exchange
Myanmar on 9 December 2015 inaugurated a new stock exchange, named Yangon Stock Exchange (YSX), with plans for six companies to start trading in March 2016. Initially, the Yangon Stock Exchange will be open only to Myanmar companies and investors and will eventually allow foreigners to invest in Myanmar shares. The exchange was set up by local companies in a joint venture with Daiwa Institute of Research Japan and Japan Exchange Group, which operates the Tokyo Stock Exchange.