Telangana CM KCR went to Vijayawada to invite Andhra Pradesh CM
Chandra Babu Naidu for his Chandi Yagam which will be held from Dec
23-Dec 27. He was received cordially by AP ministers and Chandra Babu
CM Chandra Babu welcomed him with a shawl and then was invited for the lunch. Both enjoyed luncheon where KCR was treated to various Andhra specials. After the delicious lunch both Chandra Babu and KCR spoke with each other in closed doors.
When inquired other leaders informed that they didnot talk about politics but only had friendly conversation. But inside talk is both discussed he situation in AP and Telananga. They discussed how both can cooperate to solve Nagarsuna Sagar water problem and other developmental activities.
Many feel this is a welcome change compared to earlier when both Chandra Babu and KCR didnot see eye to eye and fought bitter battles. Their rigid stand led even officials from both sides fight with utter animosity.
CM Chandra Babu welcomed him with a shawl and then was invited for the lunch. Both enjoyed luncheon where KCR was treated to various Andhra specials. After the delicious lunch both Chandra Babu and KCR spoke with each other in closed doors.
When inquired other leaders informed that they didnot talk about politics but only had friendly conversation. But inside talk is both discussed he situation in AP and Telananga. They discussed how both can cooperate to solve Nagarsuna Sagar water problem and other developmental activities.
Many feel this is a welcome change compared to earlier when both Chandra Babu and KCR didnot see eye to eye and fought bitter battles. Their rigid stand led even officials from both sides fight with utter animosity.